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After some time the flowers of old scrubs become smaller, the intensivity of flowering is descended. For improvement of growth of clematis, for growing new roots we apply next way of root system care, the way environmental sanitation and recovery active vitality of roots and improvement of structure of soil.

On nearstem circle we make a foramens of about 50 cm deep, the distance from the center of a shrub to foramens is 40-50 cm. Quantity of foramens are 5-7. The foramens are made with help of the garden drill (it is possible and with the help of a crow-bar, but it is necessary to increase quantity of foramens). Foramens are left for some days for improvement gascirculation in soil, and then we fill layerwise with high- quality large structural humus, interleaving it with granulouse lime superphatce, mold, peat, raspings, leaves, cutting twigs from cutting of tree tops. As a result of improvement of an air nutrient mode in soil and wounding of the roots, their habitability of new roots stimulates. Through foramens directly to the radicals we pour water and mineral fertilizers. At this method the water exhales not so fast, as at surface watering, the main thing the soil is soaked fully and uniformly. Efficiency of this method of watering was demonstrated in hot and arid summer 1999 year.

The rejuvenascence should be made in the spring or autumn. After some years operation must be repeated. After making an operation of a rejuvenascence the plant starts to grow and develop normally.

The same method we use for rejuvenascence root system of climbing roses and other decorative and garden cultures.